Health is Wealth

Mahesh Foundation works hard to support Thalassemia and Cancer Patients.
It organizes Blood Donation Camps all through the year with the help of its members. So far it has been able to conduct about 30+ camps and donate about 2500 + units of blood to the needy Thalassemia Patients.
Apart from organizing Blood Donation Camps, a sum of Rs. 6,00,000 /- was donated for Thalassemia patients to Dr. R Tapadia’s Center for Thalassemia and Blood Disorders at Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
Mahesh Foundation in association with Mahesh Hospital started a Palliative Care Center to take care of terminally ill cancer patients in 2014. Palliative Care nurses work with individuals and families facing a life limiting illness. The services are provided at a very nominal cost to the needy patients.
Apart from the above Mahesh Foundation has conducted Medical Camps for Students at Mahesh Vidya Bhavan. About 300+ students benefited from the Dental, Eye & General Check Up.